Website and Starboard Card Complaints Policy

Policy version: 9 December 2024

At Dextra Parte, delivering a high standard of service is our top priority. We are committed to ensuring that every interaction with our products and related services meets your expectations. However, we understand that there may be times when our service falls short. When this happens, we want to hear from you.

Your feedback is invaluable to us as it not only helps us address the issue at hand but also enables us to learn and improve our services for the future. Customer satisfaction is at the forefront of everything we do. If something has gone wrong, we are here to put it right.

How to raise a complaint

We are sorry that you are unhappy with your experience, and we want to assure you that we take your concerns seriously. Our goal is to provide a full and satisfactory response as quickly as possible.

Starboard is your first port of call for all queries and concerns, including complaints, and we are here to assist you every step of the way.

If you wish to make a complaint you can reach us in the following ways:

What to Expect After Filing a Complaint


Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge it in writing within 2 business days. This acknowledgement will confirm that we have received your complaint and are beginning the process to resolve it. This will include confirmation of receipt, details of the complaint, the name of the individual handling your complaint, the next steps and when you can expect to hear from us.

Resolution Timeframes

We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible, ideally within 2 business days. Typically complaints are resolved within 15 business days and in all cases, you will receive an update on the status of your complaint in this timeframe.

In some exceptional circumstances, where more time is needed, the resolution time may be extended to 35 business days for card-related complaints and 40 business days for account-related complaints. In this event, we will contact you on or before the 15th business day to update you on the status of your complaint.

Throughout this process, we will keep you fully informed, including advising you of any delays and any necessary escalations. Our relationship management team will provide the outcome of any investigations and the reasons in writing.

Escalation Process

Debit Card Complaints


If your complaint relates to the debit card(s) provided by Dextera Parte and remains unresolved after 15 business days, we will automatically escalate it to the card issuer TransactPay. TransactPay will work with us to investigate the matter and will provide a resolution within 35 business days from the date your complaint was first received. A written response will be issued within this time.

The email address for card-related complaint escalations is [email protected]. TransactPay will review your issues, and they will investigate your complaint. If appropriate they may redirect the query to Dextera Parte to enable us to have an opportunity to resolve your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by the card issuer, you may have the option to escalate the complaint to the Arbiter for Financial Services (OAFS).

Escalation to Arbiter for Financial Services

If you are a Micro-Enterprise and Dextera Parte and TransactPay are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you may be able to refer it to the Arbiter for Financial Services (OAFS).

You may refer to the OAFS if the following conditions are satisfied:

Complaints to the Arbiter for Financial Services may be submitted through

There is a fee of €25, which could be refunded if both parties reach an agreement or the complaint is withdrawn.

Following the escalation the regulator will contact TransactPay, information will be gathered by either Dextera Parte or TransactPay and a chronological report will be provided, including investigations performed and the findings or a report providing explanations and justification for actions taken or the rationale for not having taken action.

E-money Account Complaints

If your complaint concerns the e-money accounts associated with our services and it cannot be resolved by us within 2 days, we may escalate the issue to the e-money account provider for further investigation. We will work with NoFrixion to resolve your complaint.

A complaint can be escalated to NoFrixion through any of the following channels:

If you are unhappy with the response provided by NoFrixion they will provide you with what next steps are available to you.